When I look back over the past two years of my life I am completely overwhelmed by the amazing community of people – both near and far – that supported me and my family through prayer, acts of kindness, money, watching and protecting Kenzi, the giving of time and so much more!
Praying over on New Years Eve Doctors said I had no chance of survival The sweetest friends Sweet girl was taken care of Best buddies I love this nugget!
The cards you see above are all of the cards that were given to me and my family during some of our darkest days.
I’ve said thank you to everyone already, but it just doesn’t seem like enough – so I needed to write it down. I’ll try to capture everything – but honestly it’s impossible.
These people are amazing. I truly do not even know where to begin!
- I guess i’ll start at the beginning and thank the first group of people who dropped everything they were doing to come to the hospital to physically be there for us as soon as everything hit the fan. Our close friend and family all came and would pray over me, Kevin and Kenzi. They would sing songs and speak love, light and truth over me.
- The medical team – doctors, nurses, technicians all had to be on point 24/7 for nearly six months straight. I wouldn’t be here without every single one of these amazing men and women.
- Everyone who took care of Kenzi when Kevin was busy making life saving decisions. We trusted my parents and our friends to take care of Kenzi as if she were their own. I was in such critical condition and there were so many medical decisions that needed to be made all the time. If Kevin wasn’t there to advocate on my behalf I’m not sure that I would still be here.
- Money was obviously tight – my friend Cassie set up a GoFundMe that kept everyone up to date on my journey and everyone gave so generously. In addition, people would just hand Kevin wads of cash and checks regularly! Our community also hosted a huge garage sale benefiting us. They raised $5,000! People knew that the money raised was going straight to my medical bills – so they were buying things at a much higher price than a typical garage sale would cost. It was such a huge help to have this money to offset all the medical bills. One day in the ICU cost $15,000. THAT’S PER DAY. I was in the ICU for a year. These funds that were so generously given helped us pay deductibles, copays and things insurance wouldn’t cover. We are still paying for my amputation surgeries, hospital stay and more, but the money given to us has made a huge dent in it all!
- Meals. Our church family and friends set up a meal train that fed Kevin for over six months. He was at the hospital day and night watching me and making critical decisions. The hospital didn’t pay for Kevin’s meals. So our community stepped in. For six months Kevin was provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Honestly, I’m not sure if he would have eaten if they hadn’t done this.
- Yard work and housework. Our yard and house was maintained and kept for over a year. People would come weekly and mow our lawn, even now my best friend Ashley has a house cleaner that comes once a month and deep cleans our home. It’s such huge help – especially since I can’t clean on my own right now.
- The army of people who prayed for me and sent well-wishes all over the world. I have a huge stack of letters that I look at daily that reminds me of how extremely loved I am.
- The people who would make themselves available at any time of the day or night. People would come and stay with me when Kevin would make quick runs home to shower and check on the house. They would be there if I woke up confused and disoriented and they would help me stay calm and explain what was happening.
- My community of new friends that I have met since my amputations that have helped me feel loved, welcomed and not alone – some of you I have met through the Beautifully Flawed retreat – others online or in person. I cherish each and everyone of your friendships and encouragement.
- The greatest thanks of all goes to Jesus – for saving me. Saving my soul many years ago and me physically these past years. There has to be a reason why he saved me, right? If it’s only to help shine light into one other person’s life – it’s completely worth it.
Sooo… yeah, sorry if the title of this blog is just a teensy bit misleading. There really is no way to thank everyone properly. But this is a start!
xoxo, Callie